The second transitional age

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The second transitional age

This happens to men, and this problem is more often referred to as a midlife crisis. Unfortunately, the husband's inner feelings have a bad effect not only on communication with his wife, but also on the general psychological climate in the family. And this problem can be solved only through the joint efforts of both spouses.

What is a midlife crisis?: This is a psychological state of some kind of rethinking of their life achievements and the level of relationships in men between the ages of forty and fifty. Realizing that he is no longer young, and perhaps feeling some changes in his health, a man begins to mentally summarize what he has already done. The awareness of rapid aging has a depressing effect on him, and therefore his assessment of events is biased. He is trying to prove to himself that he has managed to make a lot of his plans, that he has the standard of living that he would like to see, and even outwardly he is still quite attractive. But at the same time, he is unsure whether the people around him, especially those close to him, share his personal assessments. Hence the irritation, nervousness, change of interests and a somewhat nihilistic attitude towards relatives and their statements. The wife is most often the "extreme" one. He considered this woman worthy of himself, loved her, respected her, but does she meet his level now, or does she even understand this level? Naturally, my wife does not like seemingly unreasonable attacks and some new unreasonable demands.

The condition and behavior of her husband during this period is very similar to the transition age of teenagers, only his values are different, he has more knowledge and experience, and therefore all this is more painful for him and for others. But just like in transition, you need to solve this problem very subtly and carefully. Neither scandals nor flattery will help here. We need to find an approach to prevent our husband from becoming a domestic tyrant, not allowing himself to be humiliated in family relationships, but also not leaving him without support, recognizing his assessments and experiences, and trying to prove to him with words, and possibly actions, that you value and respect him as an equal partner and a worthy person.. And most importantly, a husband should feel and understand that his wife still loves him and is his best friend.

You should not stop him from taking care of himself, rather, your wife needs to pay attention and adjust her appearance to meet his expectations. You can share some of his new hobbies, and even offer him something new from yourself. If the husband is rebuilding his life, the wife needs to try to do it with him, otherwise she may lose her spouse. SVSPORNGAMES is a platform where you can download top games for PC, mobile devices and consoles. We have only licensed versions of games with easy and fast download. Start playing today!

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Nazri Tsani Sarassanti

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